My Trip to Germany

Day Seven:
The Munich Palace (The Residenz)

Today we slept in.  Susan decided to go to Prague on the night sleeper, and Sherri went to work so we had a quiet house!  We didn't get up till 11 or so.  That was wonderful. I made fried eggs with fabulous German ham and tomatoes and melted Emmenthaler cheese with the BEST poppy seed roll in the world.  That was delicious!  Then we took the subway (they come every 10 minutes usually) downtown to the castle, the Residenz.  First I went to the section that is the Egyptian museum.  It was quite small but very interesting.  They had an exhibit of Hatsheput's tomb and a terrific little crocodile.  There were some wonderful statues and cats as well.

Then I walked through the castle Treasury which was really amazing.  The gold and jewels were breathtaking.  I have never seen so many diamonds since the Russian exhibit was in Houston two years ago.  The jewel encrusted St. George and the dragon was something and the amazing gilded and jewel bedecked plates!  There was a necklace with stones as big as golf balls.  Then I scurried inside the courtyards to try to find the little theater where some of Mozart's music had premiered.  It was a gilded,  balconied birthday cake of a theater, full of velvet and sculptures and gilded angels.  Too elaborate!

The attendant was nice old man who said I was a 'breath of fresh air' for him.  He talked to me about being a student from Houston, Texas!  A place he had been to in 1949 and seen the Sante Fe railroad.  He talked
about the importance of teaching as a profession and was thoroughly charming.  He said that Texas girls were 'milk and honey', too sweet.

Found a nice little dress shop where they were selling clothes (in my size!) that were really chic and inexpensive.  I found some nice miniskirts in faux suede and felt, and two blouses for going out. Having realized they actually sold nice clothes in normal sizes in this country I went to the Macy's and found some real silk lingerie.  Then we ate downtown at a really fine German restaurant.  I had the best Sauerbraten (though not as good as Mom's) and a bread dumpling (kind of like stuffing) and a terrific tomato/mozzerella salad.  Dad had an excellent weinerschnitzel.  Then we had this raspberry and current mush with cream for dessert that was very decadent. I enjoyed my dunkel weisbier.  Had to resort to exercises the next morning - and it was Thanksgiving the next day!