All | Meet with Rita Karl regarding content | July 8 | Done |
All | Complete Goal and preliminary Instructional Analysis | July 12 | Done |
Amy | Write Learner/Context Analysis | July 13 | Done |
All | Conduct Instructional Analysis for Individual Lessons | July 18 | Done |
Leslie | Host meeting for Midterm preparation; Create layout for PowerPoint presentation | July 18 | Done |
All | Prepare rough drafts for lesson storyboards | July 19 | Done |
Brigid | Prepare final version of all storyboards | July 20 | Done |
All | Complete individual pieces for final version of PowerPoint presentation | July 21 | Done |
All | Revise Checklist and Game Plan | July 21 | Done |
All | Conduct Midterm Presentation | July 22 | Done |
Leslie | Create lesson plan format | July 26 | Done |
Amy | Write institutional philosophy section | July 26 | Done |
Leslie | Create HTML Shells for Unit Design Document | July 27 | Done |
Amy | Create draft of Formative and Summative Evaluation Plan | July 29 | Done |
Brigid | Make unit-specific changes to main interface graphic | July 29 | Done |
Leslie | Come up with idea for organizing course requirement elements in the Design document web pages | July 29 | Done |
All | Prepare HTML versions of indiviudal lessons | August 2 | Done |
All | Incorporate all HTML components into final project | August 2 | Done |