Statue of Julius Caesar

Day Five:
The Vatican Museum

Went back to the Vatican - to go to the museum.  Overwhelmed again.  Loved the 'School of Athens'. Loved seeing Raphael himself looking out at me.  And there is Da Vinci and Michelangelo and Bramante too - all as Greek philosophers.  The Roman statues were phenomenal. The Julius Caesar was great.  Loved all of it.  Especially the two rooms just of animal statues!  The map room (hall) was breathtaking!!!  Fantastic intricate murals all over the ceilings and huge map murals of Italy on all the walls.

The Tapestry room was great too.  I actually enjoyed the solitude of the new wing of modern art (no one goes there) and then of course the Sistine Chapel, which is everything and more.  It is true that the wonderful murals on the walls cannot match Michelangelo's work on the ceiling or his Last Judgment.  Michelangelo’s innate brilliance and his depth and breath of the human form is divine art at its most incredible (and slightly irreverent).  Thank goodness the restoration on the ceiling removed those silly drapes voering all the men's figures.  The Last Judgment is still clothed, and it is certainly amazing just marred by those silly drapes. Bought a beautiful manger for Christmas.  All handpainted.  Angels, a house, sheep, shepherds and three kings on camels.  One of the shepherds looks like Bors Karloff though.

We met for lunch at the Piazza Navona and got to see the fountains by day.  Had a great fish antipasto!  Spaghetti and clams. Great wine, great coffee.  Then I trooped off to the Bocca della Verite (Mouth of Truth) and got my picture taken (looks like I lied!) and bought a Roman Holiday poster (see the movie!).

Mouth of Truth

Loved the Temple of Vesta and the nearby Temple of Fortune both amazingly intact.  Made the long climb down from the Forum (which and just closed!) down the back stairs through the park.

Temple of Vesta (Hercules) and Temple of Fortune

Walked over the bridge to Trastevere and saw the Ponte Rotto (the broken bridge from ancient times) and the island in the shape of a ship.

Ponte Rotto

Went to St. Cecilia’s in Trastevere.  I was all alone.  Saw her tiny statue as they found her in the catacombs.  Went to a tie store and talked to the lady who handmade all the beautiful ties right there. Of course she didn’t speak a word of English nor I Italian. Bought a spectacular brown and gold tie for a friend.

Walked through Trastevere which was kind of run down but colorful.  Got a nice velvet scarf for Mom.  Found the briefcase I wanted, handmade by a shoemaker.  A light tan color with straps.  Had dinner at home, cold cuts, tomato and mozzarella salad, wine, then to bed.

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