My Trip to Malta
The Tarzien Megalithic Structures
Tarzien, located near the Hypogeum (the underground structure) is the largest and most recent of the structures and was found with the most carvings and the famous large stone statue of which the top half is missing.
Layout of the large megalithic structures called Tarzien
When complete this statue would be about two meters high.
Were the megaliths moved by roller balls as pictured below? One source says not because the limestone balls would be crushed by the weight of the megaliths. Then what were they for as they are found by most sites?
The mysterious holes near portals (below) have been explained as being to hold screens, doors, or ropes to separate parts of the structures into rooms, or for tethering animals. Holes in the ground have been called libation holes for pouring blood sacrifices, some animal bones have been found near these spaces. Often they will be on either side of a small portal or door as if they were to be connected by....?
This hole reminded me of the one at Hagar Qim that produced the solar disc on the Summer Solstice. Another source told me that at the Hypogeum they did computer studies that showed that at sunset on the Summer Solstice a light could penetrate the deeper parts of the underground space.
(Below left) Stairs
to a second floor or the roof?
(Below right) A very large bowl inside a space marked by great scorch
marks either from a terrible fire or perhaps from later use of the
space by cremations.
To The Island of Gozo (and the Ggantija Megalithic Structure)