Italy Adventure


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Our last day was in Rome.  We left early and got there by noon. Our hotel was lovely and centrally located. First we went to the Piazza Navona where we had lunch.

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Piazza Navona

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Then we walked to the Pantheon, and past the Trevi Fountain. Last time I was here it was winter, but in the summer it is lovely too. We had coffee outside the Pantheon. Inside of the Pantheon is open to the sky. 

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I bought a lovely poster from Roman Holiday of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck eating gelati on the Spanish Steps and laughing together. Lots of tourists but nothing like Florence in the way of crowds. We past three Egyptian obelisks each crowned by some soft of Italian decoration.

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I am sad to leave Italy, but anxious to get home. It was a good holiday.

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