Pete Conrad Memorial
NASA Johnson Space
November 11, 2000
The Astronaut Memorial Orchard where trees are planted for each astronaut who has passed away.
Mr. George Abbey reads
a poem.
Alan Bean contacts Pete's spirit.
He said that Pete came to him in the middle of the night saying he needed to lighten up and that he (Pete) "would tell him what to say". And so Alan relayed Pete's "words"
his great love for wife and children
his passion for his work at JSC
and to Mr. Abbey a few particular words,
...the tree was too short!
Later he added, 'And
I want it decorated with Christmas lights!'
Paul Weitz talked about their times on Skylab and how much Pete loved space travel.
Buzz Aldrin read a poem.
Charlie Precourt gave the entire Astronaut Corps' fond farewell to one of their great heroes and mentors.
Bagpipes played and the three T-38s flew overhead in the missing man formation.
Me with Pete at the Skylab Reunion in 1998.