Hypothesize That!

You have learned that as time passes, newer inventions create better technology. You have also had the opportunity to view pictures of Mars with improved technology. Now it is your turn to make a hypothesis regarding Mars in the year 2005! Before you do this, let's review the scientific method!

The Scientific Method
Step 1:
State the problem.
You must know exactly what the problem is.

My Problem is - "I need to rent a movie for tonight".

Step 2:
Research the problem.
What will it take to solve my problem?
What do I know, and need to know, about my problem?

To solve my problem, "I need to rent a movie for tonight".

    Which one will I choose?
      - What are the possibilities?
      - Ignore poor choices.
      - What are likely choices?

Step 3:
Form a hypothesis.
A possible solution to my problem.

"My movie choice will be (Name)".

Step 4:
Test the hypothesis.
Perform an experiment to see if your hypothesis works.

"Ask the video store if (Name) is available for rent tonight".

Step 5:
Draw conclusions from the data.
There are only two possibilities.

(1) If your hypothesis was correct, you now have a movie for tonight.


(2) If your hypothesis was incorrect, the experiment failed.



Put on Your Thinking Cap!

What technology do you think will be available in the year 2005? Will it be an improvement of what scientists already use, or will it be something new? What will we learn about Mars with this new technology? What will we see? Think about this for a moment and then make a HYPOTHESIS as to what new discoveries scientists will make to support exploration of Mars and what new truths they may find from this discovery. When you have an answer to these questions, choose one of the following options:

Using a drawing or painting program on your computer, illustrate what new discovery you think scientists will make by the year 2005 and the new truths they will learn about Mars.

Using a word processing program on your computer, describe in writing the new technologies and truths about Mars scientists will encounter by the year 2005.

When you're happy with your answers...

Email your results by clicking on the mailbox. You will be submitting your answers to a GALLERY. Scientists will review your thoughts and some lucky participants will have their ideas displayed. Check the GALLERY often to see if your ideas will be published or to review the thoughts of others.